Chemical Application & Fertilization
It’s your turf: Protect it!
Ever wonder why some Georgia lawns seem to stay healthy and green, while others are plagued by weeds, bare spots, and poor appearance? The answer can be found in turf management.
Proper turf management requires skilled personnel who are trained to respond to the needs of each client’s unique property. The healthiest turf is a result of carefully applied scientific knowledge. The various types of turf grass prevalent in the central Georgia area demand a thorough knowledge of turf establishment, maintenance, and problem resolution.
With help from the professionial at Cutting Edge Landscaping, you can have confidence in the year-round appearance and health of your lawn, athletic field, or public area. We constantly update our knowledge of turf management and fertilizer technologies to provide the best services available in the middle Georgia region.
We also specialize in turf care for athletic facilities. Athletic fields not only require special knowledge of the type of turf, but the use to which the turf will be put. Multi-sport athletic facilities are subject to heavy wear and need constant care to maintain good health and appearance. We work with you to create a complete care plan that fits the needs of your facility, so your athletic fields look great for every game.
In addition to maintaining the most beautiful residential properties in Georgia, we provide turf management services for:
- Golf courses
- Public parks and recreation areas
- Cemeteries
- Athletic fields
- School campuses

Fertilization: Living the lush life
Mulch may not be the most glamorous of landscaping topics, but it is one of the most important, both for plant health and to give you property a neat, finished appearance. Our clients are often surprised (and pleased!) at the way a dark, long-lasting, high-quality mulch makes their ornamental plants and flowers “pop” – colors simply leap out from your landscape, drawing the viewer’s eye to the best features of your property. Properly edged and mulched planting areas also add that well-groomed, professional touch to any yard.
In addition to aesthetic benefits, proper use of mulching materials can also provide health benefits for your plants, including:
- reducing evaporation and lowering watering needs
- controlling water runoff and preventing erosion
- reducing weed growth
- insulating tender plant roots from temperature extremes